Nansa (Norwich and Norfolk Scope association) 60th anniversary logo appeal. This project was one in which really showed me how powerful design can be and what it can mean to people in society. Visiting Nansa really showed me what a charity means to the people within and this was one project which got me extremely excited to produce a piece of design which could change the company existence for the next 10 years. This design could help them raise the money to help them build a new centre for their associates, so no pressure!!! By visiting I found out there are 3 categories of care from the young children, middle age and elderly. 60 being the diamond jubilee year. By combining these elements I created a logo which incorporated the companies colours to still make it easily recognisable to be linked back to the association. The logo included the diamond the 3 points of care which were triangles to form the diamond with the 60 interlocking between the triangles. Needless to say when I pinched this I was nervous as I was against some tough competition but when I got the news I had won the pinch I was overwhelmed. My first pitch win which was an extremely proud day and gave me that little bit more confidence in my ability.